Wednesday, 29 April 2015 09:51

Advantages of Humidifier Phytosanitary in Greenhouse Crops

The Improvements and innovations of Phytosanitary Humidifier system HUMIFITO are:

  • Sprinkler system with better efficiency in terms of the application distribution, complete surface coverage and volume hosted by the greenhouse structure.
  • There are not parts to treat, because human factor is not intervening and to distribute the product evenly through an autocompensating / anti draining droppers network.
  • Improving the distribution and dose-sparing application of any chemical, directed where it really is specified, the plant canopy, limiting losses by drift and gravity, and its consequent environmental impact.
  • Limiting the risk of intoxication for cultivation, and staff dedicated to applications:
    • We don’t need to go inside the greenhouse while the treatments are performed.
    • Prevents the presence of visible residues and excess product in any part of the plant.
    • Improving the safety of working conditions to be able to ventilate the greenhouse after a certain treatment. humifitomaquina
  • Correct use of dose and mixtures, to be in complete control of the volumes of applications by programming sprays.
  • Improving the effectiveness of products such contact action and low toxicity, to cover the total volume of emissions, in a short period of time, to be able to make the application at times or periods with ideal environmental conditions for pest exposure, and the total sealing of the greenhouse.
  • Labor savings and flexibility of cultural tasks. Automated distribution and location of the nozzles, allows to treat large areas and volumes in short periods of time.
  • Possibility of installation in any type of structure and type of greenhouses, used as a set of humidification system for correcting the humidity, adaptable to automatic management of any climate controller.
  • As humidification system, does not require extensive physical and chemical treatments, or high quality water, not presenting problems on fillings, cleaning or maintenance of nozzles.