Monday, 19 November 2018 14:58

Multi-tunnel greenhouses, a good treatment in ecological

Life in ecology is more complicated due to treatment limitations and the multitunnel becomes a key alternative, capable of extending the life of a California pepper for four more weeks.

Organic crops have fewer tools to control their diseases and the pest population and the greenhouse becomes a basic active element so that hermeticity becomes a value of greater weight in organic plantations.

The limitations to fight against diseases and plagues are reduced and the type of structures acquires a greater dimension in the organic.

The southeast of Spain has more than 2,700 hectares of organic horticultural crops under greenhouse, but only a small percentage belong to multi-tunnel structures. This is the case of David Samper, Manager of Biocampo, who produces California pepper in the spring season and tomato in the winter season in the province of Alicante (Spain).

The multitunnel becomes a key piece in ecological plantations that are developed in productive areas with a high degree of humidity, as "there are fewer fungal problems in a multitunnel due to the greater degree of ventilation generated by this type of structure, obtaining better results", defends Samper.

Advantages of the Multitunel Greenhouse: Extending the cycle of organic farming

The altitude of a multitunnel becomes a key argument for improving climate control, but above all to lengthen the crop cycle compared to other wintering structures. The manager of Biocampo advances:

Thanks to Multitunnel structure, we have managed to extend the life of organic farming by four weeks and increase productivity per square metre.


Thanks to the height of a multitunnel, ventilation is improved in the spring months and the temperature is increased in the winter months, making the plantation have better vegetative conditions. According to Samper:

The presence of the multitunnel has resulted in strategic changes in Biocampo, as we now dare to plant cucurbits such as calabación or cucumber, previously vetoed in organic with other structures, due to excess humidity and condensation that was generated inside the crop in an area such as the South of Alicante.


However, the multitunnel has the critical point in handling and it is essential to achieve a balance between humidity control and aeration. To achieve this balance, the entrepreneur has chosen to generate small winter phases inside the greenhouse to better ensure the moisture-temperature balance and the presence of thermal mesh to ensure more temperature inside the crop.

Advantages of the Multitunel Greenhouse: More wall and post-harvest in organic crops.

From the decision of the handling one gets to obtain some California peppers with a greater wall to not have to force the product as far as temperatures are concerned. A higher wall in each piece not only translates into higher yields, but also a longer post-harvest life for the piece "and the possibility of programming certain consignments for distant destinations that require a longer commercial life such as the Nordic markets or destinations in Northern Germany," points out Samper.

Currently, organic yields of 11 kilos of California pepper and more than 15 kilos of pear tomato are being achieved in the farms of Biocampo in multitunnel

More information: Multitunnel APR greenhouses

Request a budget for your multitunnel greenhouse project: APR Multitunnel Greenhouse Budget